Search for and Sort Identities

When viewing Identities within the Identities list, you can search for, sort and view Identities within the list using the following options:


Select the search field and enter the information to you want to search for within the Identities list. You can search for Identities by name, username, job title, or supervisor.

Quick Filters

Quick filters allow you to view and sort information as follows:

  • Status: this option allows you to quickly sort your list of review items so you only see the statuses selected. By default, only active Identities are displayed. To see removed or disabled Identities, select this filter and select the additional options.

  • Type: this option allows you to filter the list of Identities to show only Identities of the selected type(s).

When a quick filter is applied, a blue box appears around the filter to indicate it's currently being used to filter the list (see example below).

Each of the selected quick filter options are used in combination with each other. For example, using the sample image above, the list would be filtered to show Active Identities of whatever types are selected.


This button, in the top right corner of the Identities list page, allows you to see more easily which Identities are primary and which Identities are "Also Known As" Identities. For example, if you have two Identities that are both technically the same person, you might consider one to be the primary Identity and the other to be the sub-Identity (or "Also Known As" Identity). When using the Group List view, these Identities would be displayed as shown in the picture below:

In this case, Aaron George is the primary Identity and Aaron's admin account - adv-ageorge - is displayed within the "Also Known As" area below the primary Identity.


This button, in the top right corner of the Identities list page, allows you to view a "flattened" list of Identities which means all Identities - whether they're primary Identities or "Also Known As" Identities are displayed at the same level. By default, the Identities list is displayed in List view.


This button, in the top right corner of the Identities list page, allows you to customize the columns displayed on the Identities list page.

Option Description Maps to the following Active Directory attribute (displayed on the Attribute Editor tab)
Name This option displays the Identity's name. It is selected by default and cannot be removed. givenName (First Name) sn (Last Name)

Select this option if you want to see the Identity's username.


Select this option if you want to see the Identity's email address.


Select this option if you want to see the Identity's job title.


Select this option if you want to see the Identity's supervisor as defined within the Active Directory directory source.


Select this option if you want to see the Identity's type, which is typically defined by the directory source rules, but can also be defined on the Identity.

Within Permission Assist, Identities can be classified as specific types such as employee, service account, vendor account, and so on. Identity types can be helpful for sorting/searching, and can also used by Permission Assist to create recommendations or filter reviews.

Source Select this option if you want to see the directory source from which the Identity originates. Currently, the only supported directory source is Active Directory. N/A
Created On

Select this option if you want to see date the Identity was created.

NOTE: This is the created date from your directory source, not the date the Identity was created within Permission Assist.

Updated On

Select this option if you want to see date the Identity was most recently updated.

NOTE: This is the update date from your directory source, not the date the Identity was updated within Permission Assist.
